No Small Thing

I’m excited to share this with you!

After five years of planning my partner Donna and I are launching the No Small Thing Fund. And it’s all about helping kids get outdoors.

We live in a world where screen time has replaced time outdoors, social media has replaced being social and youth are being influenced by memes instead of mentors and viral videos instead of the simple virtues of nature.

This is wrong.

Access to nature and the outdoors is essential for healthy child development; yet one in four kids are missing out. They will never experience the kind of outdoor pursuits you and I enjoyed like cycling, paddling, climbing, skiing - even hiking.

As a guide, climber, and endurance athlete the outdoors has been my classroom.

As a guide, I learned the importance of taking responsibility for myself and others. As a climber, I learned how to assess risks and push through when needed. And as an endurance athlete, I practice the kind of determination and perseverance I need to face whatever life throws at me.

No Small Thing

My greatest lesson was that ​even small efforts​ can make a big difference. That’s true at work, in our life, and in our communities. “Well-being is realized by small steps,” wrote the Greek Stoic, Zeno “but is truly no small thing.”

That’s why we are providing scholarships for kids in our community who face barriers to participation to get off their screens and get outdoors.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 this month so 20 vulnerable youth get to experience life-changing hiking, mountain biking and climbing camps led by passionate and inspired mentors. 

Will you help?

Our crazy world

We live in a crazy world that seems upside down and unrecognizable from the world I remember as a youth. And I can’t think of anything more potent for creating world change than to support our youth to grow into responsible, ambitious, and brave adults.

Together we can give a step up for 20 kids. And we think that’s no small thing.

​Go here​ to watch the short video and learn how you can help (I really hope you do).


Hugh Culver and Donna Koch Founders, No Small Thing Fund

PS. There are so many well-deserving causes that need our support. We chose to help kids because they are the future and because we know that nature and the outdoors are the best classroom. We hope you think the same way. Please help ​one more kid​ get outdoors.

PPS. All donations will receive a charitable receipt.

Learn More

Small Wins - Why Little Steps are the Path to Big Rewards

Keynotes and workshops by Hugh Culver


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Embracing Resistance