Get on with it
Over the past month, I’ve been frustrated. More than usual.
During dinner with a close friend, I patiently listened as he complained about his partner. We’d had this conversation before and it always ended the same way. Lots of talk - not much action.
Over beers, another friend shared how he loves his new job (by my count his third in as many years) but still can’t find enough time for himself.
I have clients who’ve reached the financial security to allow them to retire. Instead, they continue to work long hours, trading health and family for the next big project.
I could go on and on about things people tell me they want, like more business, money, friends, or happiness but it’s often more talk than action. What about you? Do you have something within arms reach you need to do…like eating better, spending less, exercising more, or cleaning out the damn garage?
I have a solution.
Enter the GOWI retreat
The shuttle van pulls up to the hotel entrance and out steps a small group of excited travelers. Suitcases are wheeled up to the reception. Everyone is chatting - anticipation is high.
“Welcome to GOWI!,” I call out, getting everyone’s attention. “Please follow me to the patio.”
“But, don’t we need to check in first?” Calls out a man wearing what looks like a new Hawaiian-style shirt.
“Ah, no…” I reply, smiling, “You won’t be here that long.”
Once the small group is settled and drinks are served, I launch into my welcome speech.
“Show of hands,” I call out “how many of you have been to a self-improvement retreat before?”
Hands go up across the deck. “Okay, great.” I continue, “Now, how many of you returned home a changed person? I mean three weeks or three months later and you are still using what you learned and living life differently?”
“I know I tried.” I admit, “I took notes, underlined, highlighted - even reviewed my notes on the return flight - and committed to absolutely, definitely use everything I learned and do the things I promised I would do. Pinky swear.”
“And then life kicks me in the face.”
Into the compost
That new keto, paleo, vegetarian, Mediterranean - whatever - diet that promised to help you lose weight, live longer, or smooth the wrinkles are too hard to shop for, prepare, or find on the DoorDash app. So it goes in the compost.
Back home, the dopamine dries up and you start looking for the next retreat, course, book, or video series. “This is it!” You think as you type your credit card into the order form, “Finally I will get the life, work, relationship, money, and happiness I deserve!”
Same goes for the yoga practice, morning meditation, journaling discipline, HIIT training, or love-language conversations. It seemed so doable when you sat in a circle or listened to the guru on stage—they were walking on water while the rest of us keep swimming in quicksand.
Back home, the dopamine dries up and you start looking for the next retreat, course, book, or video series. “This is it!” You think as you type your credit card into the order form, “Finally I will get the life, work, relationship, money, and happiness I deserve!”
Congratulations. You’re fueling up the self-help industry, but not driving your own growth.
That’s why GOWI is so effective.
You don’t have to spend a painful week sitting cross-legged, enduring long lectures and awkward group meals. You won’t be filling a journal with notes, confessing your sins to a group of strangers, or walking on hot coals.
Fear not! To spare you the effort I plowed through a long field of “life-changing” solutions. I took the online courses, went to the retreats, bought back-of-room books, signed up for one-on-one coaching - even braved the hot coals. This is better. Much better.
Get On With It
GOWI stands for “Get On With It” That’s it. Get on with it!
Whatever age you are, the clock is ticking. No do-over, no dress rehearsal, or rewriting your day for a reshoot - your movie is rolling and the credits are getting closer every day.
Unless sheep cloning gets into the hands of some unethical scientists, we all get just one life. Whatever age you are, the clock is ticking. No do-over, no dress rehearsal, or rewriting your day for a reshoot - your movie is rolling and the credits are getting closer every day.
It’s time to get on with it.
Sorry, I lied. I’m sure you already figured out there is no GOWI. I’m not going to book a resort in Cabo anytime soon or send folks packing after a short lecture and their first Mojito.
Or maybe I should.
GOWI was inspired by Bob Newhart’s sketch “Stop it.” If you are the only person who hasn’t seen this brilliant sketch, it goes like this. A nervous (and very neurotic) woman enters the psychiatrist’s office to get help for her phobias. “I charge $5 for five minutes,” Newhart’s character explains, “and I can almost guarantee” he adds without cracking a smile, “we won’t go over five minutes.”
Whatever complaint the patient shares, the response from Newhart is “Stop it!” It’s over the top, classic deadpan Newhart. It also takes a shot at the odd wiring we all have that makes us believe we are right (confirmation bias), other people are right (social proof), or what I already have is right (availability heuristic.)
We are not rational. If we were, psychologists would be out of work and we would have everything we want. Instead, we throw the ice cream tub in our basket, waffle down a half bag of Doritos, and refill the wine glass past when we know we’ve had enough. We beat ourselves up, slap our forehead, swear we will change our ways, and then, of course…do it again.
Well, here’s the punch line.
Even though life is hard, our software needs an update, and we are perfectly imperfect we can still get on with it. Embrace the well-worn idiom better the devil you know than the devil you don’t and do something. You might screw up, fall on your face, or embarrass yourself. Or life might just get a little better.
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images of Loreto by author