I am a volunteer

I volunteer.

For all too many years, I was head-down, obsessed with business. My family was young, I needed income, and driving my business growth was an end to a means (as they say.)

Volunteering took a back seat.

When I sold my company three years ago, that started to change. My new-found free time erased any excuses that had been bumping up against requests for my time—I was a free agent!

I’m a volunteer

As I write this (December), I’m thinking about all the great fellow-volunteers I’ve met and laughs we’ve shared working together. It started with my first trip to Nepal with my daughter Claire (I returned with both daughters 5 years later). The projects are usually scary-big but with good folks sharing joie de vivre they always seem to get done.

Kelowna Paddle Centre

One project I’m deeply involved in is building a new world-class paddling centre on Okanagan Lake, in Kelowna, where I live. I’ve been a paddler for over 40 years - first as a whitewater competitor, now in outriggers, so this project is close to my heart.

We’ve outgrown our existing building and it's time to rebuild. As we get closer with designs I hope to share our plans with you.

Learn more about the Kelowna Paddle Centre here.

Another cause I’ve become involved with started somewhat innocently. Three years ago, a friend asked if I would pitch in with some trail clearing in a heavily used (think 160,000 visits a year) local mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding park.

Soon I was a regular on the trails swinging a chainsaw and schlepping branches. I loved it, got more involved, and I’m now on the Board. It’s called FOSS.

Friends of South Slopes

Friends of the South Slopes (FOSS) volunteers donate more than 4,000 hours every year to clear trails, repair washouts, and improve access to two of our busiest local parks and the Myra Canyon Trestles. Starting in early Spring, I’m on a crew most weeks.

It’s a massive job and we need the support of people like you who value nature. 

Whether you live in Kelowna, or not, this is about promoting healthy lifestyles and getting people into nature. When you become a member of FOSS you are doing something great.

Learn about joining me as a member.

Click here to donate and receive a tax receipt.


Last week I (nervously) announced that my cartoons are now online. These are pretty basic scratches, but I’m having fun putting ideas on paper and wanted to share them.

I had a pretty huge response (more than 1450 of you had a peek), so I’ve added all the most recent work including this one from this morning.

Learn More

Small Wins - Why Little Steps are the Path to Big Rewards

Keynotes and workshops by Hugh Culver


Goodbye 2023


My cartoons are (yikes!) online.